Director of Resource Therapy Training Resources – RTI
Founding member of Resource Therapy Zentrum – Germany
Europe’s first Senior Level RT Trainer
Psychotherapist and Advanced Clinical Resource Therapist
Resource Therapy Trainer, and Supervisor
Schlossweg 2
91080 Rathsberg
About Christiane Essing
In addition to being Europe’s first Senior Level Resource Therapy Trainer, Christiane is a fully registered Advanced Clinical RT Therapist and therapist Supervisor.
Christiane is a practitioner of psychotherapy, life-coach, clinical hypnotherapist and self-hypnosis trainer. Christiane also uses animal supported psychotherapy in her private practice.
Christiane is also a translator and interpreter for English and Spanish. She assisted Professor Emmerson as the workshop interpreter for a Clinical RT training he gave in Bamberg, Germany 2018 and is currently Europe’s first and only Senior Level trainer. She is a founding member of Resource Therapy Zentrum Germany and is the current Director of Training Resources on the Board of Resource Therapy International.
Christiane’s Training Schedule
Christiane Essing ist Ressource Therapie Ausbilderin und fortgeschrittene Klinische RT-Therapeutin.
Als Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie, Life-Coach und Hypnosetherapeutin bietet sie in ihrer Privatpraxis neben Klinischer Ressourcen Therapie auch Hypnotherapie und tiergestützte Therapie an und hält Seminare über Selbsthypnose.
RT Ausbildung wird ab 2020 in Erlangen stattfinden.
Als Dolmetscherin und Übersetzerin unterstützt sie außerdem Professor Gordon Emmerson bei dem Klinischen Ressourcen Therapie Workshop in Bamberg.