
An Introject is an internalized impression held by a Resource State. An Introject may be an impression of a person, an animal, or an inanimate. Most Introjects are positive and are part of good memories.

Occasionally, an Introject may be internally feared by a Resource State. For example, a childhood Resource State may have had a frightening experience on a playground and may still hold an internal fear of the bully.  This underlying fear may prevent the adult from enjoying outdoor gatherings.

Resource States that hold impressions of Introjects that include, fear, rejection, deep disappointment, or confusion, may attain and maintain a varying level of anxiety in relation to these Introjects. When this occurs the Resource State is said to be Vaded. When a Vaded Resource State comes to the Conscious it brings with it the negative feelings it maintains in association to the Introjects it holds. Therefore, Resource Therapy assists Vaded States to become empowered in relation to their Introjects. This does not mean that they change a memory, but it does mean they recognize that an internalized impression has no power.

There are two kinds of fear. There is external fear and internal fear. External fear is our friend. It keeps us from getting too close to the edge of a ravine. It keeps us from going down a dark alleyway that seems dangerous.

Internal fear is not needed. It is fear of Introjects we hold from the past. Introjects are history, and they cannot hurt us. It may be prudent to fear today’s person, but not yesterday’s memory. Resource Therapy assist clients to bring out Resource States that hold negative impressions of Introjects so those state can become empowered and gain a feeling of safety and support.